Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thank you!

First, let me say thank you to Larry and Kim Maxfield-Fearon for all the great help they gave Jack and Chris near Rangely. It is Providence working through trail angels like them which have enabled them to make it so far. Weight loss, calorie deficit, lack of food and hitching have often been in the back of my mind, so to have trail angels, such the Maxfield-Fearons give them a big hand near Rangely, has been a great both the boys and us. I am confident that once the boys get off the trail they will, in turn, offer the Good Neighbor help they have so often received. Thank you also for letting us know they were in good shape as of Rangely.

We finally figured out a way to get the Carroll County, Maryland flag to the boys before the reach Mt. Katahdin. I don't know if those that helped want their names posted, so I will refrain from doing that. Needless to say, the flag is on its way and will get there in time!

Jack has said Maine is absolutely gorgeous! His descriptions, (a mother's opinion), compete with the best vacation books. The lakes are pristine and waterfalls are in abundance. The great solitude in the wildness must add to its grandeur. What a blessing we can travel so far and wide and still call this country home.

They have left short messages the last few days. They are now on the last leg of the AT, less than a hundred miles and are now in the 100-mile wilderness. After that it's Baxter State Park where they will meet Camel and Fungi's family who will join them in the final hike up Katahdin.

Due to the wonderful circumstances of their companions Camel and Fungi, (their family is meeting up with them) we will be able to meet up with Jack and Chris post-AT. What an answer to prayer! Probably won't hear from them again until Baxter State Park.

Thank you again....and again....and again....

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