Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today at 4:32 AM we put out onto the Mount Katahdin trailhead to climb our most epic and inspiring ascent of the entire journey. The 5.2 miles were filled with extreme bouldering and some intense pull-ups on re-bar that got scary a few times. But the bottom line is we completed the entirety of this Appalachian Trail in 96 days, 18 hours, and 34 minutes. We had not heard of another hiker this season who had finished with that pace as of our completion at 7:34am this morning. The summit experience was the single happiest moment of my enitre life, without a doubt in my mind. As the uncontrollable mucous poured from our nostrils due to the heavy winds and hypothermic conditions, we cried our eyes out for nearly five minutes. It is a good thing we got up there early, because it would have been quite the scene for those day hikers looking to go up Baxter Peak this morning. My voice is still hoarse from the animal grunts and yells which were constantly given during our summit. Cries of joy erupted cursing those who had doubted us and reaffirming our never wavering assurance that we would reach that peak within our timeframe. 2178.3 miles, incessant mosquitoes, torrential downpours, lightning in areas with no trees, shin deep muds, endless miles of jagged rocks, 16 climbs of Everest in vertical ascent, hot and sweaty nights in dirty sleeping bags, never taking showers or doing laundry, incredibly deep muscle pains, bee stings, bears, slick rocks, sharp roots, river fords, and the seemingly endless waking every morning to a day of 20+ miles ALL climaxed in this one amazing moment. It all feels so worth it now. From Chris and I, thank you all for your support! You really helped us keep pushing on in those long 30 miles days which seemed to never end. Our knees buckled as we both touched that sign together and at that moment we became Appalachian Trail Thru- Hikers, a title which we will hold proudly until the day we die. May our trip be an inspiration to you, that no matter what ridiculous odds you face, there will be a summit waiting somewhere for you. More pics/stats/etc to follow as I reenter society. God Bless. Jack.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! We're so glad you made it.
    Larry & Kim Maxfield-Fearon
