Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3, 2009

Today marks the 16th anniversary of Jack's godfather's (Uncle John). My brother Johnny would have be soo proud of Jack and Chris on the AT. Johnny carhiked the entire country one summer between a job and graduate school. He looked like Wolfman Jack too when he got back. He brought back souvenir deer horns, shed along the side.
I believe, that summer was among the happiest memories of his life. He was single and with no worries and a family who loved him. I am very happy that Jack and Chris too are creating memories and appreciation for the joy of creation for the rest of their lives.

Chris reported this afternoon that indeed they stayed at Walnut Mountain shelter last night. Camel and Fungae (Trail names), both from Buffalo, shared the shelter with them. These guys are hiking the whole thing too. In the same time frame. Jack and Chris did have supper rations with them, so they were only out of granola bars, and trail food. They report they have lost weight. Jack saw another bear on the trail this morning. *It scampered away quickly upon sighting me.*

Chris reports that their legs are not as tired at the end of the day now. But they aren't yet "machines."

They were 1/2 hour outside of Hot Springs with 13 miles behind them. They intend for this to be a short hike day, ending with a mattress (hopefully) and good shower at probably Elmer's in Hot Springs, NC. I recommended the diner across the street as I had seen that highly rated on the Web.

Tomorrow the trek continues to northward to the Virginia border, approximately 180 miles away.
*Stayed the night at Elmer's SunnyBank Inn in Hot Springs. Amazing place! It is an old Victorian Mansion on the National Historic Register. Also ate in that Diner which served up a great double burger and pizza. We've been keepin' up with the two guys from Buffalo and another guy, Nick, from No Georgia who plans to finish by Aug23. You meet some pretty awesome people out here.*

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